Monday, May 21, 2012

the wizards of...

ok, sooo..... why?!!!
why oz?
well, the obvious answer is --- steven. yeah, it's him, and it's all his fault. entirely... that devil!
however, it seems he might have been merely a trigger. a catalyst --- the one who stirs the trouble and walks away whistling, while the trouble continues brewing all on its own.
seriously, just over a year ago the continent barely existed on the periphery of my consciousness. put on a spot, even now i still couldn't draw the map of oz from memory. but it's drawing me in, and --- funny thing --- i feel almost as thrilled as i was at the age of 10 when astronomy overtook my life completely. i remember a feeling of falling into some radiant glorious void, weightless and mesmerized. it was pure breathtaking concentrated magic...
for an adult it's probably near impossible to re-live such experience in all its intensity.. though i feel like i'm getting pretty damn close.
if only it wasn't so bloody far away!!!!!